Welcome to ICTM!

Western ICTM Conference is on April 11!
We are excited to announce that the 71st Annual Western Mathematics Regional ICTM Conference will be on Friday, April 11 from 8:30 - 2:50 at the Western Illinois University campus in Macomb. Keynote speakers include Howie Hua, Annie Forest, and Kyle Harlow.  Online registration is open, $90 for in-service educators and $20 for full-time students.  Earn up to 5.5 CPDUS! Click HERE for more information and registration.

Vote for New Board Members by April 15
If you are an an ICTM member, please take the time to vote in the 2025 election.  This year, we have open positions for 5-8 Director, 9-12 Director, Community College/University Director, and At-Large Director. This link will take you to the voting form and includes information about each of the candidates. Please review the information and vote! The election form will be active from March 15 to April 15. Thank you!

Save the Date! 2025 Annual ICTM Conference will by on 10/4
We are excited to announce this year's annual ICTM conference will be held on Saturday, October 4th, on the Illinois State University campus at Bloomington-Normal.  More information, including speaker proposal forms, are coming soon!

ICTM Award Nominations Due by March 31
Nominate a colleague for one of our 9 annual ICTM Awards! !f you have never nominated a colleague for an award, we challenge you to do so! Being nominated for an award is a great honor and receiving an award is a very meaningful recognition of the work people do as educators. Also, even if the nominee doesn’t win the award, it is not a “wasted effort”.  You can still share the recommendation letters with them, they feel great that you thought highly enough of their work to recognize them, and you can always “resubmit” their packet the next year to try again!  Nominating someone really isn’t too difficult! You…..

  • Contact them and ask them if they would accept your nomination.
  • Ask them for 3 – 6 people you can email to request support letters.
  • Ask them to either give you a resume OR help fill in the questions in the Application Packet
  • Submit the materials on the ICTM Awards website before the end of March 31

Check out the February issue of the Illinois Math Teacher Journal!
The Illinois Math Teacher (IMT) has been the official journal of ICTM since the early 1970's! After a brief hiatus, we are excited to announce that the IMT has been relaunched so that Illinois math educators of all levels have a another great way to share their learning, lessons, and reflections with our broader community.  CLICK HERE to go to the new IMT webpage and access the February 2025 issue which contains four relevant and interesting articles titled: "The Skills Based Classroom: Rethinking Grades and Assessment", "Gathering Quality Evidence from Classroom Conversations", "Assessing Second Graders' Self-Perceptions and Enjoyment of Mathematics through a Blended Learning Math Mentorship with Teacher Candidates", and "An Example of the CRA Cycle Using Patty Paper in Teaching Geometry". Thank you to all of the authors!!!

ICTM College Scholarship Packets Due by May 8
Each year, ICTM awards up to three $1500 scholarships to junior or senior college students studying either early childhood, elementary, middle grades math, or high school math education.  Congratulations to last year's recipients: Xiang Serrano (UIC) and Aaron Moehrlin (NIU)! To read more about these amazing young teachers and about the ICTM Scholarships, CLICK HERE!

Need to join or renew membership with ICTM?
If you are new member, or need to restart a lapsed membership, then Fill out a membership application here to join us today. We'd love to have you be a part of ICTM! If you are a member, when it is time to renew your membership, our system will automatically send you a renewal e-mail.  In the email is a link to an invoice.  You can either pay that invoice online with a credit card or mail in a check.  If you are an individual member (instead of a retired or student member), you can select different renewal periods such as 3-year or 5-year renewal. Questions? e-mail [email protected]

Need to set (or reset) your password?

Click the button to have an email sent to you allowing you to set your password if you never have or reset it if you have forgotten it.  Then log in and update your contact info!

Forgot My Password

Learning Resources

We have put together a list of websites and other resources to assist with this school year. Check it out!


ICTM Learning Resources Page